Sunday, August 11, 2013. Constructor: Dan Schoenholz Relative difficulty: FAIL. THEME: "Added Satisfaction" — Add "AH" to familiar phrases. Wackiness ensues. Words of the Day: FARAD (13A: Capacitance measure) —. The farad (symbol: F) is the SI derived unit ... The reason I have such antipathy toward the puzzle is that, by the time I had accepted that the northeast and southeast corners must be FARAD and TITER, I had given up on VOLTA (49A: Upper __)/COAT (34D: Slather).
new york times daily crosswood puzzle
Victor Barocas`s New York Times crossword, “Capital L`s” ... If this were a Matt Gaffney`s Weekly Crossword Contest puzzle, there would have been no instructions in the notepad and you`d be on your own for figuring it out.
Sunday, September 1, 2013. Constructor: John Farmer Relative difficulty: Challenging. THEME: "Persons of Note" — rebus puzzle where theme squares read as a number in one direction and a name in the other—number is a denomination of U.S. paper currency, and the name is the ... He appeared, uncredited, in two Tarzan films in the 1940s—as a circus roustabout in Tarzan`s New York Adventure (1942), and as a fisherman repairing his net in Tarzan`s Magic Fountain(1949).
Liz Gorski`s New York Times crossword, “Edginess”. NY Times crossword solution, 8 18 13 “Edginess”. I read the puzzle`s title and instantly knew that the theme would involve the outermost entries in the grid. And then I started& ...
Sunday, August 11, 2013. Constructor: Dan Schoenholz Relative difficulty: FAIL. THEME: "Added Satisfaction" — Add "AH" to familiar phrases. Wackiness ensues. Words of the Day: FARAD (13A: Capacitance measure) —. The farad (symbol: F) is the SI derived unit ... The reason I have such antipathy toward the puzzle is that, by the time I had accepted that the northeast and southeast corners must be FARAD and TITER, I had given up on VOLTA (49A: Upper __)/COAT (34D: Slather).
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